You work hard, but you’d like to shake up your routine and do something fun.
Or maybe you did some acting before, and you’ve had an itch to play again.
Well, why not come and join our Great Plays Gang?
It’s kind of like an acting class crossed with a book club – where we get-together to read aloud and explore a brilliant play!
Here’s how it works:
- Week 1: we send you a play.
- Week 2: we gather in groups to read the play aloud.
- Week 3: we assign you a scene from the play.
- Week 4: we gather to explore those scenes in more depth.
Escape to a new world every month – it’s great fun!
Contact Us
If you’re curious, just email Anna or Paul at and we’d be delighted to arrange a phone chat to see if joining our Great Plays Gang might be the right fit for you.
Great Plays Gang Testimonials
“Great Plays Gang captures everything about theatre I loved as a child when I wrote and performed plays with any group of kids I could find. The spirit of reading a play out loud for no reason other than the sheer love of telling a story with a group of people is rare, whether you’re a professional theatre artist or theatre fan. I’ve met so many kind-hearted, like-minded people through this group (as well as some damn good actors). It’s always fun, always thought-provoking, and one of life’s true pleasures.”-Emily
“I have found participating in Great Plays Gang to be wonderful for so many reasons: meeting up with really talented actors, exploring extraordinary texts and bringing characters to life in a creative, positive and supportive environment. There’s no doubt that it helps us actors to hone our skills, and it’s also great fun!”-Tim
“GPG is such a lovely and enlivening thing to do as an actor. You get to play and try new things and there is no pressure to be ‘perfect’. It is a safe space and it is a lovely community to be a part of. Reading new plays you’ve never read before is great and the conversations afterwards are engrossing. All in all, GPG is brilliant in its simplicity. Thanks so much!”– Maureen
“I can honestly say that working with AboutFACE full stop is a blessing. Their Greats Plays Gang is a hugely beneficial playground for actors to come and play. You always feel welcome and it’s a really fun and safe place to try things out AND you get to read plays you might not ordinarily get a chance to read. The atmosphere is always one of warmth, love and support and all the actors involved are an amazing bunch of talented artists.”– Ciaran</strong
“GPG has been a fantastic way to get to know plays you might never get the chance to read – while getting to know some actors and performers too.”– Ken
“Great Plays Gang, in the midst of the madness of the industry, is refreshingly relaxed; it’s a space that artists at a variety of levels get together to read a play over the course of several hours purely for the love of it. When you are used to judgement and competition as an actor, it is so so nice to sit down with this good group of people and trust that mistakes you make and chances you take are not only welcomed, but celebrated.”– Fiona
“As a professional actor of twenty years the Great Plays Gang by the AboutFACE theatre company has been an incredible resource. A welcoming and supportive group of actors delving into classic plays, creating a fulfilling and fun environment to stretch and expand what it means to be an actor and to take that on into other productions. I cannot recommend the Great Plays Gang highly enough.”– David
“GPG is an important resource for me as an actor to stay creatively active and connected to other actors/directors. It provides an opportunity to engage in theatre and to play! The support and creative space of GPG was particularly valuable in lockdown and Anna and Paul consistently source excellent plays to explore which increase my awareness of great pieces of theatre writing. Thank you GPG.”– Julianna

For a number of years now, we’ve being doing a version of our Great Plays Gang every month with our company of actors. Now, we’re delighted to welcome YOU to enjoy great plays with us. We’re currently on Zoom, so you can join us from wherever you are in the world! We love it. It’s just a warm, welcoming space to play, explore, meet new people, and get to know some great plays.

The Great Plays Gang is led by Paul & Anna Nugent, AboutFACE Co-Artistic Directors. They each have 20+ years experience acting, producing, directing and teaching on stage, screen and voiceover in New York, the UK and Europe.